How do children access their e-portfolios and comment on their learning?
We provide two iPads for the children to access their e-portfolios.
Educa Stories for iPads is specially designed for children to read their learning stories on the iPad application.
The children can navigate through their learning stories, photos and videos with ease and read them just like a book.
Any comments the children made were added to their learning stories. The teacher helped to type in their comments.
They were also able to revisit their learning through wall displays and computer presentations of digital photographs.
How do parents access their children's portfolios and comment on their learning?
Parents are able to access their children’s story online as well as give feedback immediately upon receiving their children’s story.
The ability to write their own ‘parent’s’ learning stories and add photos to their children’s portfolio.
Children’s stories can be shared with other family/whānau wherever they are (even overseas via email or web).
Stories can be accessed on the iPhone/iPad and shared with their child/children.
Parents will receive two stories a month to inform them of their child’s interest, interactions, learning and development.
Teachers will reply to parent’s comments in regard to their child’s learning stories.
Children can view the stories together with their parents and explain to their parents what they have been learning at Little Star.
New parents will receive their child’s first learning story within two weeks prior to their child starting at Little Star.