About Montessori
The 'whole child approach'
The primary goal of a Montessori programme is to help each child reach his or her full potential in all areas of life. The holistic curriculum, under the guidance of a fully qualified Montessori early childhood educator allows the child to experience the joy of learning, time to enjoy the process and ensures the development of self-esteem and provides the experiences from which children create their knowledge.
The Montessori learning environment
It is a child-centred environment where the focus is on the children's learning.
A responsive, prepared environment
The design of the environment reflects the care and attention that is given to reinforce the children's independence and the needs, interests, abilities and development of the children in the class are supported. The teachers provide the necessary resources including opportunities for children to function in a safe and positive environment to enable them to try new things and build their self-confidence.
A focus on individual progress and development
The children have the freedom to choose their own activities and progress at their own pace, extending themselves when they are ready to move to the next step in each area of learning.
Montessori learning activities/Hands-on learning
Children in a Montessori environment learn best by direct, personal, hands-on contact with real things or concrete materials that bring abstract concepts to life which allow children to learn with much deeper understanding.
Freedom within limits
Each Montessori class operates on the principle of freedom within limits and has its set of ground rules but is always on the core Montessori beliefs-respect for each other and for the environment.
Cooperation and collaboration
Montessori children are encouraged to treat one another with kindness and respect.
Montessori materials
Dr Montessori designed the Montessori learning materials to stimulate the child into logical thought and discovery. The Montessori material teaches one concept or skill at a time¸ is sequential and self-correcting which facilitates the learning of skills and lead to learning of abstract ideas. The Montessori Materials are simple, appealing and are carefully designed to attract children at a given level of development.
The Montessori teacher
The teacher originally called a "Directress." functions as designer of the environment, resource person, role model, demonstrator, record keeper and meticulous observer of each child's behaviour and growth and also acts as a facilitator of learning.

“The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.”
— Maria Montessori
Enquire to enrol
If you would like to enrol your child, or book an orientation to learn more about our montessori pre school, click on the link below and we will be in touch.
Who is Maria Montessori?
Dr. Maria Montessori was born in Italy in 1870. She was one of the first women in Italy to graduate as a doctor. In 1907 Dr. Maria Montessori started the first Casa Dei Bambini or Children's House. She was approached to take care of a group of 'underprivileged' children living in the slums of San Lorenzo, Rome. She had the opportunity to test her ideas with 50 normal children aged between 2½ and 6. It was her medical background, her involvement with special needs children and experimenting with different teaching techniques which led her to meticulously trial many materials and activities with this group of 'deprived children.' She noticed the transformation of these 'deprived' children who become capable of achieving and becoming independent learners. Through her observations and work, she developed a breakthrough in education called the "Montessori Method" to educate children. International success and recognition came from many parts of the world.
Dr. Maria Montessori spent 40 years travelling extensively, giving lectures and training courses in Europe, Asia and the United States of America. The Montessori movement has continued to grow worldwide after her death in 1952.
More information about Montessori Education can be obtained from the Montessori Association of New Zealand. www.montessori.org.nz